FUTURE’s First Event

The inaugural FUTURE of Physics event was held at Caltech November 1 and 2, 2018. During the two day program, 33 undergraduate women participated in a series of panels and workshops on a range of topics from big-picture science, student life, to workshops on preparing applications.

Future Event 2018

Sophia Gaynes, an undergraduate student from UC Berkeley who took part in the program, recalls:

Prior to FUTURE, I was feeling unsure of my place in the world of physics, unsure about whether I wanted to go to grad school, and overwhelmed by the process of applying. And now, I feel like I have a better understanding of how to navigate the field as a woman and concrete steps toward applying to grad school.

Read the full Caltech media story at https://www.caltech.edu/about/news/helping-shape-future-women-scientists-84418

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